This is Colombia’s national Flag.
Colombia's Capital City is Bogota.
The population of Colombia is estimated to the number of 45,659,709 people.
The most popular sport that Colombia plays is soccer.
The population of Papua New Guinea is estimated to the number of 6,732,159 people.
Sport is an important part of the national culture. Rugby League is the most popular Sport in Papua New Guinea.

Colombia's Capital City is Bogota.
The population of Colombia is estimated to the number of 45,659,709 people.
Colombia is part of the south american continent.

The most popular sport that Colombia plays is soccer.

This is the national flag of Papua New Guinea.
Papua New Guinea Capital City is Port Moresby.

Papua New Guinea Capital City is Port Moresby.
The population of Papua New Guinea is estimated to the number of 6,732,159 people.

Sport is an important part of the national culture. Rugby League is the most popular Sport in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea is located East and South-east of asia.